Agri Business
The Indian agriculture sector needs to be modernized and enhanced in order for the country’s population of 1.2 billion people enough food security, but this will require more than just fertilizer use; it also means improving production techniques like tractors which can help increase crop yields by working smarter rather then harder when farming
Maintaining high levels productivity while still managing resources responsibly is imperative if we want India’s farms produce at an efficient rate with sustainable growth.The Company caters to the need of Indian farmers and is India’s leading fertilizer supplier. With a vast trading network all over world, it holds highest traded among private sector companies in our country as well lead position when compared side by-side other global leaders such us those from USA or China who also export their product here but at some point ago so do many more now there are even less focusing only on exports which means they have stronger domestic market too
The Company is committed to providing all agri-products through a ‘single window’ for the farmer. They supply Urea and other input like DAP (Di Ammonium Phosphate), MOP( muriate of potash) SSP( single super phosphate) Pesticides which are sourced from reputed suppliers today Aramco has attained leadership position in pesticides business india Under its well structured Farmer Advisory Programme The company organizes crop semi yearly meeting with farmers who grow different types crops such as wheat rice paddy etc.. These meetings provide them opportunity not only update themselves about latest technologies but also share knowledge on best practices suited specifically towards their needs enabling sustainable farming practices
Aramco is a company that has been dedicated to its social responsibilities for many years. In fact, the oil giant was awarded three certifications by international organizations in order improve life around them and create better opportunities within these areas: ISO 14001 (Environment Management System Standard), 901QM(Quality Management System STD) & OHSAS 18000 – all of which are focused on environmental protection as well employee health&safety standards Aramco’s commitment towards greaterGood goes beyond just business; it starts from within!